Singapore Press Holdings

STOMP (Straits Times Online Mobile Print) integrates content and activities in the three platforms of print, online and mobile .

These three platforms will enable STOMP to interact and engage with Singaporeans in exciting new ways.

We, the undersigned, call on the relevant authorities of citizen journalism website STOMP to moderate the type of contributions from users. Time and time again, pointless submissions have shown up in huge numbers, mostly complaints and pointless issues.

It is surprising that even low quality submissions have appeared in the newspapers. If this is the quality we have come to expect of citizen journalism, the purpose to "engage with Singaporeans" have been defeated. Not only are most of the contributions of poor quality, numerous submissions have infringed people's personal privacy. E.g Taking pictures without the consent of the person involved. No longer does the site have thought-provoking submissions as before, it now appears as another avenue for users to complain about, even the smallest issue. This leaves a bad impression of Singaporeans.

We hope that Stomp user submissions would be better moderated, to improve the quality of journalism.

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The Stomp: moderate user contributions petition to Singapore Press Holdings was written by Anonymous and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.