- Target:
- TV Organisation
- Region:
- Australia
TV has been in Australia since 1930s view information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_Australia
But no Anime channel has been ever started in Australia.
All Australians who love Anime should have or would have dreamt of an Australian Anime TV Channel to watch sure there are DVDs at the store or the Anime store but did you ever want more.
Like conventions reviews, Australian anime artist, anime series, anime episodes, anime movies, anime commercials, anime shows. Why should Anime fans always be glued to internet for sources why not have an Australian anime channel.
Hold the remote in your hand it's the key to future of Anime television now are we need is the channel. I might not to be able to see a Anime Australian TV show in this lifetime because someone has started it or thought of the idea yet. So sign your why to an Australia Anime channel.
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The Start an Anime Channel in Australia petition to TV Organisation was written by Melissa and is in the category Television at GoPetition.