Indonesian Government

Dear Family and Friends of Jordan,
Jordan has recently been locked in prison in Padang, awaiting trial for a fight he got in back in May 2015. Jordan was attacked after an accidental drop in at Rifles and simply blocked an attempted blow from the guys surf board and counter striked with a few punches which only resulted in the guy having a black eye and a small cut below the eye, but the charges that they are trying to trying to charge him with are much different than what actually happened and they are trying to put him in prison for a very long time. Jordan has never been arrested for a crime in his entire life and even now the police never arrested him for this fight, but now, over 2.5 years after the fight took place and never being given any paperwork regarding the case, he was suddenly sent a summons to meet with the prosecutors to 'talk to them', and when he went to meet them they immediately took him straight to prison and refused our formal request to not take him to prison. Something is very very wrong with what has occurred and the charges do not match the case. He needs to pay for the best legal defense possible and needs financial help from any of you that are willing to help him. Thank you for any of you who are willing to help and Please pray for him

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The Set Jordan Heuer Free! petition to Indonesian Government was written by Mira Namira and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

justice Indonesianlaw