Norman Public School Board
United States of America

In 1987 Cherry Hill Elementary in Baltimore, Maryland adopted the first mandatory uniform policy. Since then five big population states have also adopted the policy. Many people believe that uniforms have no effect on schools except to spend money that many people don't have. However, studies show that crime rate drops almost 91% in schools with uniforms.

School suspensions dropped by 90%, sex offences were reduced 96% and incidents of vandalism went down 69%. This doesn't include the decrease in violence and theft, peer pressure, and gang relations, and the increase in school test and work grades, leading to the success of children in college and the work place.

Uniforms would lead to a safer educational facility and better learning environment.

We the supporters of a better educational environment, believe that by using uniforms in Norman public schools we will better our children's future and provide a safe district for them to learn in.

By signing this petition you would be supporting future generations and their education. Uniforms in no way would destroy individualism or religion, just protect it.

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The School Uniforms for Norman Public Schools petition to Norman Public School Board was written by Camelle and is in the category Education at GoPetition.