Supermarkets - Bakeries - Gas Stations
Bosnia and Herzegovina

A few years ago customers were charged for single use plastic bags in supermarkets all around Bosnia and Herzegovina, but this didn't last long. Months later I could see all those plastic bags stacked on the checkout counters waiting for costumer to take them. That's why I decided to create this petition because my primary goal is to reduce the usage of the single use plastic bags.
Since single use plastic bags are currently free, and customers are allowed to take as many as they need or want, the usage of said bags has increased over the years, and has now reached dangerous levels.
A lot of the plastic bags find their way into rivers, onto tree branches etc., polluting the water and ground.
Plastic takes from 20 to 500 years to degrade, which means, it stays on this Earth for a long time, constantly releasing heavy chemicals into the ground. This, in the bigger picture, results in changes in the chemical composition of the ground, which means the ground is polluted, and the pollution of the ground directly leads to the pollution of our water. As the water is constantly evaporating, this leads to the pollution of the air.
This means the plants, animals and humans of our country are constantly consuming polluted water and polluted air.
I can't do this all by myself but with your help, the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we'd do so much more for our environment.

Prije nekoliko godina kupcima su u supermarketima širom Bosne i Hercegovine naplaćivane plastične vrećice za jednokratnu upotrebu, ali to nije dugo trajalo. Mjesecima kasnije mogao sam vidjeti sve one plastične vrećice naslagane na kasama čekajući kupce da ih uzmu. Zato sam odlučio da napravim ovu peticiju, jer je moj primarni cilj smanjiti upotrebu plastičnih vrećica za jednokratnu upotrebu.
Budući da su plastične vrećice za jednokratnu upotrebu trenutno besplatne, a kupcima je dozvoljeno da uzmu onoliko koliko trebaju ili žele, upotreba navedenih vrećica povećavala se tokom godina i sada je dostigla opasne razmjere.
Dosta plastičnih vrećica nađe se u rijekama, na granama drveća itd. , zagađujući vodu i zemlju.
Plastici je potrebno 20 do 500 godina da se razgradi, što znači da na ovoj Zemlji ostaje dugo vremena, neprestano ispuštajući teške hemikalije u zemlju.
Ovo, u široj slici, rezultira promjenama hemijskog sastava zemljišta, što znači da je zemljište zagađeno, a zagađenost zemljišta direktno izaziva zagađenost naše vode. Pošto voda konstantno isparava, to dovodi do zagađivanja vazduha.
To znači da biljke, životinje i ljudi konstantno konzumiraju zagađenu vodu i zagađen vazduh.
Ja ne mogu sve ovo da uradim sam, ali uz vašu pomoć, pomoć građana Bosne i Hercegovine, možemo učiniti toliko toga za naš okoliš.

We, the undersigned, call on the Federal Ministry of Environment and Turism of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republic of Srpska again enact a law where costumers will be charged at least 0.10KM (0.05€) for single use plastic bags in order to stop plastic pollution and reduce the usage of the same.

Mi, potpisnici ove peticije, pozivamo se na Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma Bosne i Hercegovine te Ministarstvo za prostorno uređenje, građevinarstvo i ekologiju Republike Srpske da ponovo uvedu zakon gdje će se kupcima naplaćivali upotreba jednokratnih plastičnih vrećica bar 0.10KM (0.05€) kako bi se spriječilo zagađenje prirode plastikom, ali i da bi se smanjila upotreba istih.

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The Save the Planet - Ban or charge single use plastic bags in Bosnia and Herzegovina petition to Supermarkets - Bakeries - Gas Stations was written by 1-Miroslav-1 Milošević and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.