United Kingdom

The are 7 000 000 000 people around the globe. And almost half of them know about the existence of BGT (Britain's Got Talent) - the original show started by Simon Cowell in 2006, which has millions of fans around the world! There is a spin-off show called Britain's Got MORE Talent, presented by Stephen Mulhern, which was axed by ITV. This show allows everyone to see the variety of talent in many countries, it has the spirit of brotherhood and British nation beautifully combined with the masterfulness of Stephen as a presenter. And now, imagine your life, when your favourite show is cancelled and there will be no more funny episodes of what you liked to watch with your family and friends!

We, the undersigned, call on the ITV to revive BGMT and let Stephen Mulhern be its presenter, because it is a vital part of our love to Britain's Got Talent, ITV and Britain as a whole.

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