United States of America

In the passed months of 2020, Ronaldinho Soccer 64 has become quite Popular worldwide with individuals of all kinds. People have been asking and showing that they actually want a remake of Ronaldinho Soccer for the Nintendo Switch and if it's made, there's a chance that it can sell a lot of copies. The original creator of the game was Konami, but that company isn't as good as they used to be. If a company like Ubisoft were to make it, it could be at least decent. E.A also exists, but people who like Ronaldinho Soccer seem to hate the latest FIFA games. The game gets people excited and happy and would awesome to play if a new one was made.

We, the Ronaldinho Soxer memesters, shall aquire the game we're desiring through Ubisoft and get enjoy from the new game.

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The Ronaldinho Soccer Deluxe Edition petition to Ubisoft was written by Zidane Granado and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

nintendo ubisoft