#Science & Technology
Communication Minister

There are several apps now for smartphones which allow for text messages to be sent to someone on behalf of another person from a third party's phone.

The concept is the message appears to be sent by the second party and is traced as such, but it is actually sent from a third party. Whilst it is being used in some senses for pranks and the like, it could have devastating consequences on relationships, families, business and other facets of society by causing unrequired social conflict, and also being a conduit to commit crime.

We at The Run Home believe something needs to be done to address how legitimate these applications are.

We, the undersigned, call on the telecommunications industry and the Communications Minister to evaluate the legitimacy of several smartphone applications which allow for fake text messages to be sent from one party to another from a secret third party.

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The Restrict Fake Text Message Apps petition to Communication Minister was written by The Run Home and is in the category Science & Technology at GoPetition.