#Animal Rights
Tennessee Legslative
United States of America

In the United States, the law for animal cruelty is a misdemeanor with felony provisions. Most people of America don't know this or they do but don't really care.

Animal cruelty is the number one sign to future rapist and serial killers, This is something most of us believe to be a myth, but it isn't. Animal cruelty has effects on the animal themselves.

People tend not to realize that animals are mammals, or a species of some sort, and have feelings and get hurt just as easily as us.

I want to change the minds of people to believe hurting an animal for your own pleasure isn't humane, and why not start a petition?

We, the undersigned, call on the Tennessee Legislative to reconsider the animal cruelty laws by changing it from a misdemeanor to a felony for all cases not just the huge ones.

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The Reform Animal Cruelty laws in Tennessee petition to Tennessee Legslative was written by Keona Hadley and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

abuse animal cruelty