Concerned Citizens for A Helpless Child
United States of America

Mother did not return Bella after their visitation, we had an emergency hearing regarding her health and the 17 or so visits to the Dr and ER within 3 months, while in the father's care.

So the mother kept her, took to DR, nursed Bella back to health and was arrested.

We, the undersigned, request you to end the prosecuting of a mother whose child was illegally removed over 622 days ago. There has still been no legal reason for the removal of the child.

You have separated a 3-year-old girl, from the only parent she has known. Children need their mothers and fathers.

You have placed her in harms way and failed to protect her by placing her with a man who has several violent assaults on his record as well as drug charges.

The child has been denied medical care several times. This sends a negative message to loving caring law-abiding parents. That message is that you would prosecute a parent who tried to protect her child. Had the State stepped in for this innocent child the parent would not be requesting this nor would she be charged with custodial interference.

Please return Bella Smith to her mother and drop your charges of custodial interference.

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The Please Help Save 3-year-old Bella Smith petition to Concerned Citizens for A Helpless Child was written by Cathie Rockwood and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.