Australian schools

After exhaustive research it has become disturbingly clear to me that registered sex offenders continue to teach in schools (particularly Catholic). It is often swept under the carpet by heads of department who give the offender a second chance, pay off the victims to be silent and deny parents the right to the reality of the type of school their child is really attending. Most importantly, what about the children?!

Paedophiles are almost certainly incurable, why supply them with ample opportunity to reoffend and destroy innocent lives. They have committed the most heinous of crimes and do not deserve a second chance. It is clear that a child sex offender is without conscience or sorrow for their crimes if they have the audacity to work with children. Furthermore, it is a critical part of their 'treatment' to cease contact with children due to the temptation that arises. Therefore it is a slap in the face of justice, the safety of children and the rights of their parents to protect them from predators.

Obviously child sex offenders shouldn't associate with children, let alone teach or have power over them on a daily basis. Misplaced trust merely amuses and assists these smug monsters and I feel it critical that their existence in our schools be made public knowledge. We as parents do not want to send our children to schools where they are at high risk of falling prey to paedophiles, we as a community do not condone this offensive and irresponsible practice at all.

Would you knowingly send your child off to school each day to be taught by a rapist... I think not!

We the undersigned:

1. Demand that all sex offenders are registered and that no individual is to work with children without being able to supply a current blue card.

2. All child sex offenders should be instantaneously dismissed from positions that enable them contact with children.

3. We stand firm that as citizens and parents we have the right to be informed if there is a registered sex offender in employment at this school.

4. We refuse to be deprived of the right to respect and protect our children and declare that this institution will be held liable if an employee is a registered sex offender, this information is withheld and a crime is committed against a child in your care.

We must keep kids safe, they are precious gifts and tomorrow's society.


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The PAEDOPHILE ALERT! petition to Australian schools was written by Maree Davies-Fahy and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

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