#Children's Rights
Hon. Joseph Muscat Prime Minister; Hon. Simon Busuttil Leader of Opposition; MEPs

Children playing football in Malta are treated as financial commodities. A child is the club's property. To move from one club to another usually the child's parents or guardians have to pay a sum that can reach into the thousands. Even if the child is unhappy or is not playing regularly, the club is entitled to receive this compensation. Freedom comes at a price. This is called nursery compensation fee and is paid over and above the annual membership fee and the annual kit fee. LET'S STOP THIS.


Petition Background Information Document

We, the undersigned join the Malta Football Players Association (MFPA) in urging you to remove the nursery compensation on amateur minors currently present, as per Malta Football Association (MFA) Regulations.

Currently minors between the age of 12 and 18 cannot leave their club unless a fee (sometimes exorbitant) is paid.

This notwithstanding the fact that:
1. These are amateur minors who are not paid for their participation and are only after practicing their sport;
2. There is already a separate annual membership fee in place;
3. The team may decide not to play or train the minor but still have the right to retain him for financial gain;
4. A training compensation is still applicable once the player signs his first professional contract.

Our children are not financial commodities. We hereby ask this exploitation to end.

Malta Football Players Association
Aħna, hawn taħt firmatarji, ningħaqdu mal-Malta Football Players Association (MFPA) biex inħeġġukom tneħħu n-nursery compensation fee, atwallment fis-seħħ, minn fuq minuri dilettanti skont ir-Regolamenti tal-Malta Football Association (MFA).

Atwallment minuri bejn l-eta ta’ 12 u 18 il-sena ma jistgħux iħallu l-klabb tagħhom sakemm ma titħallasx somma flus (kultant eżorbitanti).

Minkejja li:
1. Dawn huma minuri dilettanti li ma jitħallsux tal-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom u li jinteresshom biss li jiprattikaw l-isport favorit tagħhom;
2. Diġa hemm fi-seħħ miżata annwali ta’ sħubija li tithallas separatament;
3. It-tim jista’ jiddeċiedi li ma jilgħabx u ma jħarriġx lil minuri imma xorta jżomm id-dritt li jorbot lil player għal skop purament finanzjarju;
4. Kumpens għal taħriġ jibqa xorta dovut meta player jiffirma l-ewwel kuntratt professjonali.

Uliedna ma humiex komoditajiet finanzjarji. Ahna hawnhekk qed nitolbu biex din l-esplojtazzjoni tintemm.

Malta Football Players Association

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The A CRY FOR HELP: Stop the exploitation of our children in Maltese Football petition to Hon. Joseph Muscat Prime Minister; Hon. Simon Busuttil Leader of Opposition; MEPs was written by Malta Football Players Association and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.