United States of America

Onigiri is already a great game, but wouldn't it be even better with marriage and housing? What if you could get benefits such as 15% more exp when questing with a spouse?

How about more clothing and the ability to buy it rather than having to spin awheel? Or what about having your own house? You can customize it with furniture, invite some friends over, or upgrade to a bigger house. If your inventory is full and Lady Shizuka has enough on her plate, why not store items in the housing storage?

These add ons are changes that many of us players would love to see in the game, not to mention how it would attract more players as well.

We, the undersigned, call on Cyberstep to consider adding marriage and housing to Onigiri.

Yours truly,

Players of Onigiri

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The Marriage and Residential Housing in Onigiri petition to Cyberstep was written by Nylah and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.