- Target:
- The Hon Tony Abbott MHR - Minister for Health and Ageing
- Region:
- Australia
Childhood illnesses and diseases such as Autism are nearing epidemic proportions in Australia.
It is a known fact amongs thousands of parents and carers of these children that once tested they share similar results for toxic chemical poisoning. Results such as lead, arsenic, aluminium, copper and mercury poisoning are just a few heavy metals found to be at very high toxic levels in these children.
However the children tested are just a small percentage of the amount of children that have Autism and other illnesses or diseases simply because the remainder of those children affected do NOT know testing is available! This needs to change !
To the Minister for Health and Ageing:
We, the undersigned, ask for Mandatory Heavy Metal Testing to be carried out on every new born child in Australia born from 2007.
Testing a new born baby or small child for heavy metal poisoning is both simple and safe. Testing can be carried out via taking a small hair sample, a blood sample or urine sample .
Once the samples have been analyzed by a reputable laboratory, each patients chemical makeup can be determined.
This means that if there are any chemical imbalances in the patient then the patient can be told, can be treated for them but most importantly will know that they may not be able to process or tolerate certain other chemicals, medicines, foods and environments etc thus possibly saving them from having allergic reactions, possibly even severe allergic reactions which without testing could ultimately lead to death !
Many children have died in Australia from food allergies alone such as peanut allergies, however there are many many more food allergies to be aware of.
Some children have had reactions ranging from low risk to quite severe reactions to reactions causing death after being given some type of medications , childhood vaccinations and general anesthetic prior to an operation.
Why has this happened? Because the childs chemical makeup was not known, therefore it was not known how the childs system would react once given these potentially fatal ingredients.
These children died in most circumstances without anybody knowing they were allergic in the first place.
These deaths and the reactions could have easily been prevented had testing been done to determine what each childs chemical makeup was.
Minister for Health and Ageing, we ask you to seriously investigate and consider Mandatory Heavy Metal Testing of all Australian babies firstly from the time of birth and then once again at prior to starting school. We believe this could be done simply at birth whilst they are in a hospital environment and then once again when they routinely attend for the pre school vaccination.
Children are our most precious investments for the future , we need to protect them the best we can and that includes protecting their health.
Minister for Health and Ageing please help the future generations of Australian children grow to be healthy young people.
Australians need Mandatory Heavy Metals Testing to protect the health of our children.
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The Mandatory testing for heavy metals of children petition to The Hon Tony Abbott MHR - Minister for Health and Ageing was written by autismclub and is in the category Health at GoPetition.