- Target:
- Administration of Alameda High School
- Region:
- United States of America
Last year, at Alameda Senior High School, the staff and student body had a total of 45-50 minutes to enjoy the time between classes with a lunch period. This year (school year 08-09) the student body and staff have a mere 35 minutes to eat lunch.
The staff and students feel that the cut in the lunch period should be reinstated. After discussion with many of the staff members, and several students, 35 minutes is simply not enough time to have lunch. Standing in the lunch line at Alameda one volunteer commented, "It took 20 minutes just to get to the counter to purchase lunch, by the time I was able to sit down and eat, I had 5 minutes to eat my lunch."
Other High Schools in the district get between 40-50 minutes for lunch.
The circumstance under which our request should be granted are that the staff and students often go to class without a finished meal or finishing a meal.
We, the undersigned, call on the Administration of Alameda Senior High School to lengthen the time we are allotted for lunch.
We feel that the 35 minutes allowed to get our lunches, and get back to class is stretching us a little thin in order to get a good lunch in.
We do however, understand that the students of Alameda need to be more responsible with getting to our next class on time. There are several benefits to allowing the staff and students more time to eat lunch during the school day.
After doing research, other schools in the district are allowed more time to consume their lunches, why shouldn't we?
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The Longer lunches at Alameda Senior High School petition to Administration of Alameda High School was written by Aurora Lindholm and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.