https://www.saps.gov.za/ https://www.npa.gov.za/ http://www.justice.gov.za/ https://www.npa.gov.za/
South Africa

JUNE 2019 marks a year that Kit Johnson was so cruelly and unjustly taken from all those who love him. We miss him and think of him every day.

We refuse to just be another number, another victim
We will not go Quietly!

Violent crime in South Africa is rife and horrific
We will not give up the fight for JUSTICE!  SAPS so much disappointment, President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa so much crime, @NDPP so many postponements, @NPA @Shamila Batohi let's get the trial going and arrest all those involved so that justice may be served!

We the undersigned, call on President Cyril Ramaphosa, SA Minister of Justice,
South African Police Service or SAPS - https://www.saps.gov.za/
NDPP Advocate S. Batohi
National Prosecuting Authority - https://www.npa.gov.za/ (communication@npa.gov.za, achauke@npa.gov.za)
The Courts - http://www.justice.gov.za/about/sa-courts.html
Department of Justice - http://www.justice.gov.za/
Department of Correctional Services (DCS) - http://www.dcs.gov.za/ (communications@dcs.gov.za)

We refuse to just be another number, another victim
We will not go Quietly!

'South Africa's system of criminal justice is in a crisis. If its ability to prevent, process and deter crime is any measure of its effectiveness, then reforming the system is now not only a necessity but a national priority.

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The #JusticeforKitJohnson petition to https://www.saps.gov.za/ https://www.npa.gov.za/ http://www.justice.gov.za/ https://www.npa.gov.za/ was written by Chantal Bűhler and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.