#Children's Rights
Councillor Michael Williams, Lead Member for Children's Services, Wrecsam CBC

Mae Mudiad Meithrin yn darparu gwasanaethau addysg Cymraeg i blant blynyddoedd cynnar yn Sir Wrecsam. Mae y Cyngor am dorri £23,000 o'i cyfraniad i'r Meithrin fydd yn dolc sylweddol i rieni sydd am i blant dderbyn ei haddysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Mae torri y gyllideb yma yn gwahaniaethu rhwn y ddarpariaeth twy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ar Saesneg trwy drin yr iaith Gymraeg yn llai ffafriol.

Mudiad Meithrin is an organisation that provides educational support to early years children in Wrecsam County. The Council intend to cut the £23,000 budget to Mudiad Meithrin as part of their cuts agenda. This will have a significant negative effect on the ability of parents to access Welsh Medium nursery education.

This proposed cut discriminates between the Welsh medium nursery sector and the English medium sector who have not suffered an equitable reduction in funding. Through this unequal practise services through the medium of Welsh have been treated less favourably.

Yr ydym ni sydd wedi arwyddo y ddeiseb isod yn galw ar Gyngor Sir Wrecsam i ddileu y toriad arfaethedig yng nghyllideb Mudiad Meithrin ar y sail ei fod yn gwahaniaethu yn annheg ac yn anghyfartal drwy drin y Gymraeg yn llai ffafriol.

We the undersigned call upon Wrecsam Council to delete the proposed saving in Mudiad Meithrin's budget on the basis that it is discriminatory in that it is both unfair and unequal to treat the Welsh language less favourably.

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The Gwrthwynebwch doriadau i gyllideb Mudiad Meithrin/Oppose the cuts to Mudiad Meithrin budgets petition to Councillor Michael Williams, Lead Member for Children's Services, Wrecsam CBC was written by Arfon Jones and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.