#Civil Rights
The Government of the Country of Poland

Via SkullsNBones.com:

Nergal from the mighty Behemoth was formally charged on Monday (March 8th) for insulting Roman Catholics.

This all goes back to 2007, when Nergal reportedly called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on the planet" during a BEHEMOTH performance in Gdynia and tore up a copy of the Bible onstage.

Nergal is pleading not guilty to the charge.

In the first hearing, under cross examination, Nergal stated what he does on stage is part of artistic license and it wasn't supposed to offend religious feelings. However, an expert on religious history and studies from Jagellonian University in Krakow stated that every copy of a bible could be considered a religious icon.

If found guilty, Nergal faces up to 2 years in prison.

you can read the entire post here: http://www.skullsnbones.com/profiles/blogs/nergal-charged-with-insulting

SkullsNBones.com and various friends are calling upon the metal-heads and other music enthusiasts of the world to stand up for freedom of artistic expression by signing this petition.

In this day and age an artist ought to be able express him/herself without fear of persecution based on archaic laws.

Let’s show support as a unified community for an artist who is being made an example of in a case that is truly unfair.

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The Global Freedom of Artistic Expression in Music petition to The Government of the Country of Poland was written by Samuel Roon and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.