United States of America

I have been playing the game for 2+ years now and I absolutly love the P90 and feel it would help twitch in her kit. It would give her more killing power and give her a more offensive role and help push objectives better as it can help her more in close quarters situations. I don't think It would be an overpowered choice as The P90 can't do much at longer ranges and her other primaries could be better in more situations. but having the P90 would not be a bad idea for her.

I think that the P90 would be perfect to make twitch an even better operator on attack. and the p90 needs to be on attack

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The Give the P90 to Twitch in Raindbow 6 siege petition to Ubisoft was written by Charlie Delisle and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

ubisoft twitch RAINBOW SIX P90