School Administration
United States of America

We, the citizens of the town of Kearny, petition Franklin School to include all students equally in the Holiday/Winter Concert this year, and every year going forward.

Each year we are required to sign a school policy requesting parents to ensure that children treat each other equally. We uphold the school administration to the same level. By excluding half of the school, we feel the school administration failed in doing so.

Further all other grammar schools in Kearny have implemented the same music/art/computer programs, but none of the other grammar schools have excluded half the school. Therefore, any explanation that has been given does not suffice to satisfy that a solution could not be implemented.

We respectfully request implementation of a solution to include all students equally in the Holiday/Winter Concert every year.

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The Franklin School, Include All Students Equally In Holiday/Winter Concert petition to School Administration was written by Carla Jorge and is in the category Education at GoPetition.