Halton Borough Council
United Kingdom

Having heard Halton Borough Council's plans to 'Build Schools for the Future', it has left those connected to Fairfield High School and the wider community of Halton highly aggreived.

This is due to many reasons, but in general questions have been asked of the necessity of their proposals and whether alternative routes should be taken to help improve the problems which have led to these radical and arguably irrational plans.

Also, if the plans were to go ahead as they stand, there is a serious question mark over the equality of the proposed federalisation between Fairfield high and Wade Deacon. This is due to Wade Deacons jobs and Specialist status' being safe, and Fairfield High's not being safe.

Consequently, as we live in a democracy, we feel it is our responsibility to exericse our right to disagree, and that we will do with the necessary arguments!



We, the undersigned, call on Halton Borough Council to strongly re-assess their 'Building Schools for the Future' proposals.

Both in terms of the necessity to demolish Fairfield, and also in terms of the equality that should exist in the federalisation of Fairfield and Wade Deacon.

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The Fighting4Fairfield petition to Halton Borough Council was written by Fighting4Fairfield and is in the category Education at GoPetition.