- Target:
- The Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame
- Region:
The Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame should not put todays rappers and poppers into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame. The RNRHOF has inducted many artists that are not even real rockers, such as Michael Jackson. This means the RNRHOF will almost definitly overlook some of todays great rockers and put Britney Spears and 50 Cent in the Hall of Fame. We do not want this. Nu-Metal will be another problem. We would like to make sure the following artsis do not get into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame:
-Britney Spears
-Christina Agulara
-Jessica Simpson
-50 Cent
And just about every other current day popper/rapper. In turn, some bands that the RNRHOF will overlook DO deserve to be in it. Because of this, this can't happen, don't let these bands in!
We would like for the rock n' roll hall of fame to NOT put any current era Rappers, Poppers, or Nu-Metalist in the Hall Of Fame.
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The DO NOT Letter Rappers/Poppers Into Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame petition to The Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame was written by Mr. I Like Fudge and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.