American Idol and or 19 entertainment
United States of America

David Archuleta is a 17 year old singing phenomenon. David is currently on tour with American Idol and his talent is being witnessed in a live setting by 1000's of new fans.

Currently his stage outfit for his solo songs is not complimentary to his stage persona. It is limiting and we request that it be changed to something more "on trend" with his musical style and skill.

Points to note:
1) Black/dark Grey is hard to photograph limiting the beauty of photographs.
2) The Jacket is not "age appropriate"
3) The Jacket looks like it should be on a 50 year old man on a cruise ship
4) The black undershirt does not match the balance of the outfit
5) The Pants do not fit. They "hang" wrong and make a sloppy impression.

Please note: it was very hard to start this as we wouldn't want to hurt Archie in any way. But this is not a reflection on David himself, as he didn't pick this suit. Plus, can you imagine what Simon would say if David wore this on Idol. If they keep the suit, at least tailor it so it fits properly.



We the fans of David Archuleta request that his Dark Grey Jacket with silver embellishment be changed to a lighter/brighter color that is "on trend" with current fashions.

We ask that his concert attire for the remainder of the concert be Age appropriate and match his musical style and personality.

We ask that you allow David to have "input" on his stage attire.

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The Change David Archuleta's Concert Attire for Idol live tour petition to American Idol and or 19 entertainment was written by davidfans and is in the category Music at GoPetition.