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Sienna Guillory who performed awesomely as Jill Valentine in resident evil apocalypse was left out in resident evil extinction, due to scheduling conflicts with eragon.
This petition is so that she doesn't get left out again . So if you want SIENNA GUILLORY AND SIENNA GUILLORY ONLY to star in the next resident evil movie as Jill Valentine sign this petition.
We don't want her replaced with another actress.
This petition is so that she doesn't get left out again. So if you want Sienna Guillory (not another actress)to star in the next resident evil movie as Jill Valentine sign this petition.
......... also giving some sort of recap of what happened to Angie (don't forget about her) and Jill wouldn't be bad either.
IF THIS PETITION RECEIVES ATTENTION I WILL TRY TO GET IN TO PAUL ANDERSON, or someone else who can get sienna in resident evil 4.
The owner of Sienna Guillory fan (Ricky) has been kind enough to to leave a link on his websites home page. http://siennaguillory.fan-sites.org/
the owner of resident evil movie fans has been kind enough to leave a link on their websites home page http://residentevilmoviefans.weebly.com/
I've sent this petition to sienna's agent's company, via email so keep the votes coming. (no reply)
I've also sent it to a member of resident evil 4's crew Greg Stechman http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1144143/ (unsuccessful)
I've sent a letter to Milla Jovovich about the petition.
I've also sent an email to screen gems (the distributors of the movies) regarding the petition, apparently it was the wrong office though.
I wrote and sent the letter to the right screen gems office.
Siennafan.com has sent the petition to Sienna, SHE KNOWS WE WANT HER BACK.....or at least her agency does. the rest is up to her/them
note: all the letters I've sent have no return address, so i don't know what's going on exactly but from sending it to Milla Jovovich (who was good friends with Sienna, as seen on the resident evil special features), screen gems which would be interested in getting what the fans want and Sienna herself I'm sure SOMEONE knows about this petition.
If you could leave links of this on resident evil fan sites that would be good.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Bring Back Sienna Guillory/Jill Valentine for the Resident Evil 4 Movie petition to RESIDENT EVIL FANS was written by Sienna fans and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.