
Brighton Primary School has been overlooked by the Victorian Government since 2016 for any funding to enhance the ageing facilities. The School is turning 150 years old in 2025 and for the last 40 years has been teaching upto 2/3 of its students in demountable/portable buildings that are well beyond their useful lives. In addition to this, the aged main school buildings require significant refurbishment to bring them up to a standard that is acceptable and conducive for providing quality education to our children.
We need this to change so that that is appropriate investment in the facilities for our children; as is being done by the Victorian Government for every other school in the Southeast region of Metro Melbourne.

We, the undersigned members of the community, are writing to petition the Victorian Government to provide funding to Brighton Primary School, which has not received any capital works financial support from the government since before 2016. As concerned citizens, we believe that every child in Victoria deserves access to a quality education, regardless of the socioeconomic status of their school.
While we understand that all schools may have different needs and requirements, we cannot ignore the fact that Brighton Primary School which is turning 150 years old in 2025, has been overlooked and left behind.
Education is essential for the development of our children and the future of our community, and every child deserves a fair chance at success. Brighton Primary School’s inclusiveness as one of only four specialist hearing units for deaf children in Metro Melbourne underpins the importance of the institution and its place in the broader community.
At Brighton Primary School the teaching staff have been doing their bit by raising the bar and providing quality education as shown in the last three years NAPLAN results trend; its now the Victorian Governments turn to do their bit.
A key issue to address is the Fourteen demountable classrooms, some of which are upto 40+ years old, have been the long term solution to accommodate the nearly two thirds of the School’s students. It is crucial that the Victorian Government recognizes this issue and provides a long-term funding solution to ensure that Brighton Primary School can continue to provide quality education to it’s students.
We urge the Victorian Government to provide the required funding to Brighton Primary School to ensure that every student has access to a quality education and adequate facilities to support that. This funding will not only benefit the students of Brighton Primary School, but also the entire community as a whole.
We thank you for your attention to this matter and hope that you will consider our request for funding. Every child in Victoria deserves a fair and equal opportunity to succeed, and we cannot let Brighton Primary School fall behind.

Action: We call on the Parliament of Victoria to allocate funding for a capital investment to Brighton Primary School in the 2024/25 State Budget to ensure the facilities that our students are learning in are appropriate and inspiring to compliment their learning journeys.

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The Brighton Primary School - Our Fair Share petition to 1000 was written by Aaron Stead and is in the category Education at GoPetition.