- Target:
- To: Allegany County Commissioner Creade V. Brodie, Jr; Allegany County Commissioner William R. Vale
- Region:
- United States of America
The Philosophy of No-Kill commits to euthanizing ONLY companion animals that are either irremediably injured or terminally ill, as determined by a board-certified doctor of veterinary medicine, in good standing with the Local Government, and in compliance with the true meaning of the word euthanasia (Webster definition: mercy killing).
All healthy and treatable companion animals are to be nurtured, treated as needed, and guaranteed a realistic chance at adoption well beyond the current short time frames.
We, the undersigned, endorse the following petition:
As Residents and Taxpayers of Allegany County, people living in the Tri-State Region and elsewhere we would like the opportunity to promote No Kill Animal Shelters with the County Government. We would like these Local Governments with high euthanasia rates in their animal holding facilities, develop plans that would create safe havens for our surrendered animals, till they are rehomed, as well as promote responsible ownership.
We, the Residents and Tax payers of Allegany County, people living in the Tri-State Region and elsewhere, request that Members of the Allegany County Commission respond to and reflect the wishes of its Residents and Taxpayers, to put an end to the killing of the sentient, healthy and treatable companion animals that are surrendered to the animal holding facility.
We request that the candidate chosen to be employed as Allegany County's (Animal Control Shelter Manager) be steadfast in their commitment to embracing and practicing all established elements of the progressive, cost-effective, compassionate and ethically-sound No-Kill philosophy.
We respectfully demand continued reform with full implementation of sound No-Kill philosophy practices such as, but not limited to:
1. Animal-compassionate Managers, Directors, Animal Control Officers, and other shelter staff be NOT versed, compliant and entrenched in Kill Shelter experience/mind-set, but instead committed to core practices of the No-Kill philosophy;
2. Strong marketing (i.e. Public Service Announcements on TV, Radio, Council newsletters and local papers) encouraging maximum community involvement (i.e. volunteering, fostering, adoptions, donations) from, but not limited to: individual residents, local corporations, non-profit rescue groups;
3. Facilities that allow genuine 'no kill' rescue groups to monitor their adherence to no kill principles;
4. Comprehensive adoption programs that operate during weekend and evening hours so community access is available for all working schedules. This also includes off site adoption venues in which potential homes will go through the standard adoption screening;
5. Pet retention programs to solve medical, environmental, or behavioral problems and keep animals with their caring and responsible caregivers;
6. Medical and behavioral rehabilitation programs. No animal should be killed due to curable medical illness or need of socialization. Euthanasia will be limited to very aggressive animals that pose a threat to others; are irremediably injured or terminally ill;
7. A foster care network for age sensitive, traumatized, sick, injured or other animals needing refuge;
8. Rescue group with proper documentation are allowed access to shelter animals;
9. Established volunteer programs to promote adoptions, fostering, socialization of animals and other shelter operations;
10. A clean shelter, where animals are provided prompt veterinary care, adequate nutrition, exercise, socialization, and shelter. All health concerns are to be treated promptly, and the environment kept hygienically clean to prevent the outbreak of contagious diseases. Sick animals will be given the opportunity to recover and be re-homed;
11. TNR programs that maintain populations instead of repeating the kill cycle of ferals;
12. Spay/neuter of animals before adoption and high volume, low-cost public spay-neuter clinics.
What does "No-Kill" mean?
The Philosophy of No-Kill commits to euthanizing ONLY companion animals that are either irremediably injured or terminally ill, as determined by a board-certified doctor of veterinary medicine, in good standing with the Local Government, and in compliance with the true meaning of the word euthanasia (Webster definition: mercy killing). All healthy and treatable companion animals are to be nurtured, treated as needed, and guaranteed a realistic chance at adoption well beyond the current short
time frames.
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The A No Kill Shelter is possible in Allegany County Maryland petition to To: Allegany County Commissioner Creade V. Brodie, Jr; Allegany County Commissioner William R. Vale was written by Kerry Shoemaker-Davis and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.