Adam Vaughan Ward 20

Sidewalk A-Frame signs have been the most valuable tool in successfully building our massage therapy and acupuncture clinic. We have been slowly growing our business for almost seven years and in the short time we have been without our signs we have seen a notable decrease in our client traffic.

If we have no visibility many of us will experience significant losses including but not exclusive to small businesses and their customers.

We the undersigned electors, business owners, employed individuals, land owners and customers in the City of Toronto request you allow the ability for small businesses occupying spaces that are not store fronts to use A-Frame signs on sidewalks for the following reasons: without this visibility our businesses may not survive.

We create jobs; we provide products and services that enrich the city and the lives of its citizens; we are reliable tenants paying rent that keeps property owners prosperous and we pay taxes that add revenue to all three levels of government. If the City of Toronto chooses to negatively impact small business’ ability to be seen and marketed fewer small businesses will survive. This will result in lost jobs, fewer services, fewer reliable tenants for property owners, and less tax revenue coming in to support our city.

As the initiator of this petition, my name is Sue Sheedy RMT, D.TCM, CST, owner and operator of Toronto Bodyworks. I can be contacted at 71 Duncan Street, Third Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2C5 for further information in relation to this matter.

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The A-Frame Signs in the GTA petition to Adam Vaughan Ward 20 was written by Sue Sheedy and is in the category Business at GoPetition.