Moultrie, Georgia has very few options if you are looking for any sort of customer service from your grocery shopping… read more
Esta petição foi criada com o fim de resolver as filas intermináveis da cantina, tal como o tempo perdido nestas… read more
Leo Baskatawang, a graduate student at the University of Manitoba, is marching from Vancouver to Ottawa this summer to raise… read more
Η ΔΙΚΗ των 5 συλληφθέντων των Θεοφανείων στη Χαλκίδα που δικάζονται για προσβολή του προσώπου του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας θα… read more
The Western Cape has existed as a province of South Africa since it was coerced into the union in 1910.… read more
WE ASK MPPS TO VOTE NO TO BILL 13 BECAUSE: - Bill 13 privileges one group of students (LGBT) over… read more
「重新聚焦小圈子不公義」 —《中大學生會反對小圈子選舉聲明》 我們一直追求「一人一票」雙普選,然而這訴求卻從未實現。香港民主日益倒退,官商同謀,加劇貧富差距,千二人的選委決定我們七百萬市民的命運。香港雖然經濟發達,但我們卻窮得連基本的政治權利及公民權也沒有。我們絕不能將自己的未來,寄託在這場不公義的小圈子選舉! 近日,輿論都集中在各候選人的醜聞。但是,我們更需要關心小圈子選舉制度的不公義,醜聞只是將小圈子選舉的腥臭更赤裸的暴露在我們眼前而已。 所謂「有競爭」的特首選舉只是不同利益集團瓜分香港的遊戲,而各候選人只是不同權貴的代言人。他們當選後也只會把利益回饋權貴,而市民關注的社會議題,最終只會石沉大海。 我們是香港的公民,我們有能力亦有權利去參與及決策社會事務,決定自己的將來。這場小圈子選舉,只允許一千二百人有權選舉特首,不單體現政治權利分配不公,更反映政府侮辱及貶低選委以外的七百萬香港人。 因此,來屆特首只會是北京及富商的傀儡,這場選舉僅是瓜分利益的鬧劇,市民的利益永遠不會成為政府施政的考慮。若沒有真正的普選,讓港人擁有參選、被提名、被選及投票權,香港未來只會完全被權貴掌控,深層次矛盾只會日益加劇,貧富差距進一步擴大。 大學生身為建設香港未來的重要基石,更不能獨善其身,理應站出來捍衛我們應有的尊嚴與公民權利。 Facebook連結: read more
CLANNAD was an amazing series it was produced by Key and was written by Jun Maeda, Yūichi Suzumoto, Kai, Tōya… read more
Parental rights for parent with teens. Legal age to be changed from 16 to 18. Parents to have help from… read more
Stagecoach South West recently announced a reduced 1/1A/1B bus service effective from 2nd April 2012 the old and the new… read more