Join with the American Kennel Club to express your concerns about the harsh and unintended consequences that the U.S. Department… read more
4500+ Canadians currently await an organ transplant because the need for replacement organs far exceeds the available supply. for waitlist… read more
The Official Languages Act 1969 has never been submitted to the Canadian people for approval. By way of a national… read more
Tori Nakol Swoape was a 15 year old girl who was being bullied by her peers and school personnel. On… read more
جعفر اقدامی بار اول، در تیر ماه سال ۱۳۷۸ بهدنبال جریانات کوی دانشگاه تهران توسط نیروهای… read more
This letter will be sent to Leader of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khamenei on June 25, 2012. You can add… read more
I ask all not indifferent people to join to our call for help, to support my petition to the president… read more
The Woodbridge School District is threatening not to renew a 39 year education veteran with not a mark on his… read more
Seit Jahrzehnten gibt es das italienische Kulturinstitut in Wien. Mit ausgezeichneten Sprachkursen und hervorragenden LehrerInnen. Wie es weitergeht wissen wir… read more
Please sign this petition and join us for the following: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, 2012 South Plaza… read more