The facts are that Senators and Congressmen get to run for office until they get voted out or die. When… read more
Please ask at least two more people to add their signatures to this very ground-breaking petition! This petition is about… read more
It is not fair that people who love motorsports have to see less, just for a football match to be… read more
PLEASE PUT AN END TO THIS! The opening page very proudly says - "HUNT IN NAMBIA WITH KEITH WRIGHT"..… read more
NM has been taken away, from custody of her father, by Social Services in Westminster Council in London. This followed… read more
Over the past few years, the sport of "Dirt Jumping" has grown rapidly; especially among teenagers. Many of these teenagers… read more
Recently, Illinois school district 113 canceled a trip to Arizona for their girl's basketball team. Assistant Superintendent stated, "The trip… read more
RePower Alberta Launches Across the Province Building the Green Economy Sierra Club Prairie and Greenpeace Canada have launched the Province-wide… read more
It's time for change.... Stand up for autism awareness in the UK: Campaign with Kevin Healey. Three political leaders need… read more
In the new Conservative-Liberal Democrat cabinet Theresa May has been appointed as Minister for Women and Equality. Prior to this… read more