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Latest Petitions

  • Public funding deserves public viewing

    Sporting teams and events have become a multi billion to trillion dollar industry. These costs are subsidized by public interest…

    Signatures: 0

  • Opposition to the Proposed Zoning Amendments to Expand Commercial Uses in A-1 District

    The Somerset township supervisors have engaged outside consultants that developed proposed amendments to the Township Zoning and Land Subdivision Ordinances…

    Signatures: 1

  • Bring Back the Ariat Volant Front Zip!

    Everyone loves them, but they don’t sell them anymore? Why? Why can’t Ariat manufacture them again? Equestrians want answers! The…

    Signatures: 22

  • Stop! Re-Examine Plan to Increase Density in Single Family Neighborhoods

    The Mayor and Town Council plan to vote on a controversial plan that would vastly expand the definition of residential…

    Signatures: 958

  • End the Silent Suffering of the Macaws at Little Foot Nursery in Swakopmund!

    The macaw parrots housed at Little Foot Nursery in Swakopmund have been subjected to deplorable conditions over two decades, prompting…

    Signatures: 28

  • Don't "Drag" Down Cottonwood!

    As the citizens of Cottonwood, Arizona, and its surrounding communities within the Verde Valley, we have learned that the City…

    Signatures: 1,289

  • Stop GeoEngineering in New Hampshire NOW!

    HB 1700 "The Clean Atomosphere Preservation Act" was introduced into New Hampshire to prevent environmental destruction from unregulated geoengineering methods…

    Signatures: 13

  • Petition to Offer Diverse Dietary Options at the University of Cambridge May Balls

    As students of Darwin College at the University of Cambridge, we value the diversity and inclusivity of our community. We…

    Signatures: 4

  • Stop corruption, racism, discrimination, violation of the law and violation of human rights commit by the Bulgarian government

    I want to start this petition to get a criminal imprisoned who has committed very serious crimes of which my…

    Signatures: 1

  • Listen to Philadelphia's 65,000 Charter Families!

    The Mayor of Philadelphia appoints the Philadelphia School Board which, amongst other responsibilities, authorizes Philadelphia's charter schools, of which there…

    Signatures: 2,581


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    GoPetition is not just a channel for winning campaigns but a hub for causes across regions and categories. This means that our members can follow and connect with a variety of other members who have similar interests and values. The GoPetition ecosystem encourages mutual sharing of ideas and support to facilitate positive outcomes..

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I'm very happy with the service... Supporters, thank you very much for signing the petition on Councillors' expenses, the petition is now closed because we achieved the objective. Max Calò - Dec 12 2009
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