#Civil Rights
UK Government
United Kingdom

The Courts, Solicitors, Barristers, and Judges with the assistance of the Police and Children’s services have conspired against me and my child for the last three years.
They have stole our house, furniture, possessions and thrown my child (a minor) and I on the streets, the Family Courts appointed a District Judge that was swapped on the day of the Final Hearing with a Personal Injury Barrister disguised as Deputy Judge, without Notice or Application, illegally evicted us using 30 police officers equipped with a bogus Occupation Order a week before my child started his final exams, (an Occupation Order is so the children’s carer and homemaker can occupy the home and continue caring for the child up until they are 18 or finish education, they are made at the start of separation, this Order was made two years after)
The courts then illegally transferred our house using a “Consent Order” (that i have never seen) to a woman that had no Legal Right to our home, earned executive wages of £90k pa, has an executive pension and £200k in the bank, (all hidden by the courts) i earn £85 pm Child Benefit, the courts knew she had no intentions of occupying the home or caring for her child and knew the child and I would become homeless, (the court has a Duty to determine the Balance of Harm when making Orders regarding children).

The courts valued the home at £200k with a £26.7k mortgage and split it 60/40 in my favor, (the courts were supplied with an up to date valuation of £250k and £25k to pay off the mortgage at the Final Hearing) awarding my child and I, £103k to start an insecure life in another area, isolating my child from his old life and peers. (the courts can not force the sale of a house until the child turns 18, the child’s Provider has a duty to provide a roof for their children). The house went on the market for £300k.
The self appointed Deputy Judge also cut the Child Maintenance set by the Government from £27k to £9k so it could be paid in one lump sum, the money was transferred 6 months after eviction while we were homeless, it was £2,500 short with no explanation.

I paid two thirds of the mortgage over 20 years, I brought two kids up from newborn for 16 years, sacrificing my career and pension.
I built, maintained, cooked, cleaned, did the laundry and invested my own money in the house which put tens of thousands of pounds on the current value.
I provided for my children from money earned on ebay, i supplied cars over the years to pick them up from school, i paid for the Tax, insurance, petrol and all maintenance needed, totaling around £60k over 16 years.
I invested around £20k in the house over 20 years.
I paid the majority of the mortgage £58,400 out of £93,600,The ex paid me £250 pm for taking over the childminder in 2006, this went towards the mortgage, there was no increase over the years and never got 1p for cooking, cleaning, maintenance etc.
Total spend £138,400, i earned around £160k-£180k over 16 years, i had £45k inheritance at the Final Hearing.

The ex paid the utility bills, paid for and did the weekly shop and paid £140 pm towards the mortgage, she did no cleaning or any chores but did do some cooking now and again, she went away on holiday 7 weeks of the year with her friend while i stayed at home and looked after my home and kids, she basically had a live in maid for 20 years, i did not know she was on £90k pa i thought she earned around £40k, she earned £130k cash from separation to FH and will earn another £2M in the next 20 years then retire on an executive pension, i am ten years older and have no career.
She walks away with £180k equity from a house, £200k in the bank, a £40k Mercedes car (sold), and an executive pension, and now has a £150k inheritance from her aunt.
I got £110k and my neglected/abused child to look after and provide for.
The child and I are homeless, she lives near the footballers in Hale Barns.

The courts also stole over £11k with a bogus money claim for £7,140, the evidence was two hearsay statements from her and her mother, the county courts can only deal with money claims under £5k, this was over £7k and enforced by two bogus high court enforcement company one called Cerberus HCE who are not registered to collect debt, the other Wilson & Roe who were not registered on companies house in 2022 but are now and supposedly from 2010, their sic code is for dormant companies and have been dormant since 2012, this includes 2022 when they forced £11k from me with the help of the police.

I had two solicitors representing me, both stabbed me in the back and stole £3k between them, i have tried to get legal help but no one will represent me, i got told by one firm that i am on a database as a conflict of interest, i have sent complaints to the correct authorities like the IOPC, JCIO, Legal ombudsman, law society, MPs, Mayor of Manchester and so on, i have also contacted 21 solicitors over the last month, all met with silence.

I have been falsely arrested twice and put in a cell, the first time for stalking and harassment, i had no contact for 3 months when she first got told to leave the home through infidelity, the police burs through my door, arrested and charged me, stole my phone for 3 months then notified me of no further action.
The second for criminal damage to someone else's property and arson after the illegal eviction, it was my house and there was no arson, the CPS did not charge me with criminal damage to my own property as they would have had to get the permission from the Director of Public Prosecutions, all illegal with no resistance.

I reported the theft and criminal damage of our property and possessions that was stolen and put in a skip with a video of the skip full of our belongings, it was again brushed aside with no investigation or arrests.

My Petition is to Reform the Corrupt Courts that serve the Citizens of the UK

At present a District Judge becomes a judge by way of nomination.
Not from the Public but by Solicitors and Barristers who nominate other Solicitors and Barristers, the nominees then get picked by the Sovereign (King or Queen) and become a Judge, supposedly for a five year term. ( at present some District Judges have had 20 years?).
Some of the Solicitors who become Judges own Law Firms and have Solicitors working for them, a clear Conflict of Interest which breeds content.

The Court system is a Partisan Organisation where corrupt Solicitors and corrupt Barristers become corrupt Judges “with Law Firms” and deliver corruption, not Justice.
The corrupt Solicitors and Barristers then deny you access to Legal Representation or throw you under the bus which leaves you the option of contacting the Legal Ombudsman, JCIO, IOPC or the Law Society which are basically the unions for the corrupt that protects their system not the Citizens, these organisations ignore you and the written Law, which gives you a Dictatorship, dictated by self appointed people.

This self appointed system is not going to change because it suits them not us.
The Taxpaying Public rely on the courts for Justice but have no say on who delivers that justice. It's our justice system for us. They just work it and work it how they want.

My proposal for a fair justice system would be to change the process and procedure on how our judges are chosen.

My suggestion would be to have a system where the Public rate and comment on their Solicitor or Barrister, this system would work like a Jury Service, where by Law you have to leave a rating as you are doing a service for your Country.
This would automatically nominate the good, honest, knowledgeable Solicitors/Barristers who would become good, honest, knowledgeable Judges chosen by the Public.
It would also weed out the bad corrupt Solicitor/Barrister who is more interested in greed than Justice itself.
We live in a Democracy not a self appointed Dictatorship.

Kevin Bannan.

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The reform the corrupt UK courts petition to UK Government was written by kevin bannan and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.