Valve Software

As Valve released the first Left 4 Dead, they said that the will release many content updates for the game. They said that Left 4 Dead become new campagnes, game modes etc.. Same like Team Fortress 2.

But now, they announed Left 4 Dead 2.

The the sequel to the best-selling and critically-acclaimed co-operative multiplayer thriller Left 4 Dead will be released in November 17.

The bad thing is that the game uses the old sounds, achievements and only has some new skins, weapons, charakters and an improved AI-Director.

But this isn't a new game... maybe for EA, but not Valve...

I want you to sign this petition to stop Valve releasing this "DLC" as a full price title (i mean 50 $ +). We, the community, should show Valve, that won't let us exploit.

The Left 4 Dead 2 petition to Valve Software was written by Anonymous and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.