There are many young kids and even older people getting hooked on very bad drugs and I don't think that… read more
Do you really want to be forced to narc on your kids and neighbors, or serve prison time? If not,… read more
Getting a7x to come to Australia. A7x is semi- well known band from the United States. Over the past few… read more
Chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gorillas are closely related to humans, sharing up to 99% of our genetic material. They also… read more
Janeiro 7, 2006 Ha muitos anos permanecemos nessa de aceitar tudo o que nos era dito, tudo que nos era… read more
This petition is to help legalize weed in a free country, USA, so sign. read more
March 24, 2006 My father smokes way too much pot and it's making him lose his marbles. We need to… read more
May 26, 2006 I would like to legilize the use of marijuana in Canada and the USA. read more
June 2, 2006 We the people think that all drugs should be Decriminalized. read more
June 18, 2006 Decriminalize Marijuana in Canada. This is an ongoing problem. Decriminalizing marijuana is a comprisable solution to satisfy… read more