Brent Council have recently decided to return Carpender's Park Cemetery to grass, particularly Section HA (Catholic) and Section HB (Christian),… read more
Below is the text that we hope to share with a Synod Father to present to the General Synod which… read more
"Impastor" is offensive to the Catholic religion. It is a mockery of the beliefs we all have, as well as… read more
With the spring weather approaching, the playground at St Martin school will soon return to its perpetual state as a… read more
The Yellowknife Family Centre has been asked to vacate its premises by the end of June. The Family Centre is… read more
Your Holiness, As Your Holiness know that St. Norbert of Xanten founded the Order of Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertines… read more
Vice-President Joe Biden, who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, officiated over the blasphemous perversion of a Homosexual… read more
The "Bill of rights" states that a catholic can not become king of England. I do not think this is… read more
Quite simply, without parents voluntary catholic secondary schools would not survive. Parents now provide over 30% of funding in voluntary… read more
As Faithful Parishioners of the American Catholic Church, we want to grow in Faith in our Lord Jesus, to spread… read more