#Human Rights
HK Sar Government
Hong Kong

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香港自從2月初執行強制檢疫,使無數跨境家庭長期沒有辦法團。澳門珠海從6月已推出二維碼 健康互人,香港政府從5月開始提議也採取同樣互任制度,但仍然沒有任何消息。2月份封關為了防疫我們覺得可以體諒,但在兩邊疫情相對穩定與其他地區已經執行健康碼互認香港至今都沒有通關,政府也沒有任何緊迫感,很明顯違反了最基本的家庭團聚的基本人權。不管香港政府是怎麼考慮的,但我知道兩邊有成千上万的跨境家庭,每天只想著什麼時候才能再次見面。老公盼望能再次见到太太,爸爸可以親眼看見儿子女儿入眠。我們不能天天盼望著政府行動,而要自己去爭取我們的權利,所以我請求各位生在同樣處境的支持與宣傳,發出我們的聲音,讓大家早日再次家庭團聚,早日開關!

Ever since the mandatory quarantine from mainland China travellers to HK in early Feb, many families have not been able to meet and have no idea when . Macau and Zhuhai have already introduced a mutually recognized health code, but since the HK government has proposed a similar system, there has been little updates other than "we're still working on it". The border closure in February we can agree was necessary to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, but now that the situation has largely stabilised in the region & the mutually recognized health code has been implemented in other regions, we will still not allowing families to reunite is a blatant violation of our basic rights. I don't know what the government is thinking, but all I know is that there are hundreds and thousands of families who are just wondering when can we meet again. Husbands meeting their wives, children tucked to bed by an actual father and not some web camera. We can't wait for the government to act, but fight for our rights that we thoroughly deserve. That is why I urge people in similar situation for your support in our petition, to make it possible for us to see our families again in the near future.

We urge the HK government to expedite the mutually recognized health code to allow families to reunite.

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The 政府趕緊辦好港澳深 健康碼互認,讓分離多月的家庭重新團聚! petition to HK Sar Government was written by John Appleseed and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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