#Human Rights
British Government

Every day we hear of wars. Countries at war with one another. Innocent people are getting killed. Terrorism is rife. It is getting worse. The latest form of terrorism drivers running over the general public. It is happening more and more often. A lot of the time when it happens it is revealed on the news that the culprits were 'known.'

World Leaders need to step up and work together doing more, much more to make everybody in every Country safe.

All forms of terror need to be stopped. YOU need to stop these extremists and protect us all, it is your job. Not enough is being done.

We, the undersigned call on the UN to step up their role to eliminate terrorism. World Leaders need to work together, pull all their resources and stop terrorism NOW.

Evey single day innocent people are being killed in all countries around the world. Many times the culprits are 'known.'

Stop being soft with these people, destroy their means. The arms they have, the weapons they make. The secret services need to do a lot more, country leaders need to step up and start protecting all of the innocent people.

We do not want to see the general public getting run over by fanatics, or innocent people killed by any means. You are all in a position of power. Put a stop to it now!

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The World Leaders work together, put a stop to terrorism ... Now!!! petition to British Government was written by Trisha J. Kelly and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Stop terrorism and wars