#Human Rights
The Government
United States of America

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
These words were written for the purpose of: We the people of the United States all citizens of the US In order to form a more perfect union to make everything in our country as perfect as possible Establish justice begin fairness for all Insure domestic tranquility promise that everything in our country will be peaceful Provide for the common defense give protection to everyone Promote the general welfare care for those in need Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity make sure freedom and fairness continues for ourselves and all our children and their children and their children and every generation to come Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America approve of and begin the Constitution of the US

We the People of the United States of America, want you to take accountability and uphold the meaning of what the Constitution stands for! We feel that you are not honoring this. We are not getting our needs, the needs you are responsible to provide, in a pandemic situation. We are instead, becoming poorer, by the day and not able to survive. Many are losing their homes and vehicles, not being able to put food on the table for our children and ourselves. Businesses are closing because we have nothing to fuel the economy, businesses that have been here for many years! We need this to stop and stop now.
Due to the cause of this pandemic, we have lost so much! We have lost loved ones, and we are all grieving in our own way. Amid losing loved ones, which no amount of money could ever replace, we are also losing most everything else! Jobs are being lost and our economy is weakening with every moment that passes. Many are barely surviving during this difficult time! We need your help and we need it now!
While the H1N1 hit the United States of America caused a pandemic and took many lives, we closed schools and daycares for 4 weeks, we did not close businesses. We did everything we could, so a vaccine was produced and approved within a 6-month time frame! That was just over 9 years ago. Technology has come a long way since that point! We should have something much quicker than it is taking, for the Coronavirus, and we would like to know why it is not.
This is a proposal, you, Mr. President, Congress, and the House, to DO THE RIGHT THING, for the PEOPLE of the USA, who have elected you all, into office. As you all fight among yourselves during this pandemic, to see money distributed to places such as, The Kennedy Center, Ventilators that were sitting around, centers that were built to care for those with Covid 19, centers that were barely used, or giving yourselves huge raises, that quite frankly, you don’t deserve, because you are not doing your job correctly, as far as “We the People” are concerned! it’s time for you ALL to STOP and LISTEN to the country that you run.
As many statistics show, there are other illnesses that have been around since the beginning of time. Yes, sadly, they still make people sick and cause death, even with a vaccine in place. We still go on and keep the economy open. We still have jobs to go to, and in return, for the most part, have the things we need to survive!
You all need to come together and work as ONE, on behalf of “We the People” of the USA. As it states, in the Constitution!
We are asking for a 1-time payment of $5000.00, to EVERY LEGAL CITIZEN, in the USA with a valid social security number! As another payment of $1200 will not help us and will just put a band aid on the crisis we are all fighting! A onetime payment of $5000, will be a great benefit to everyone, as the economy is starting to open back up. This will assist us with some of the financial burden, we have already endured, and will also assist us in the next 1 to 2 months, when things will be open. This will cost the government a lot less, than the proposed, Emergency Money for People Act, while being enough for us to maintain our daily lives and get not only us, but the economy, back on track. Money should not be directed ANYWHERE else! Many businesses, both big and small, have received money, some people are getting unemployment, while others do not fit in to any category to even receive pandemic assistance!
We expect that; taxes will not be raised, for at least 2 years, in any state, for any reason, and when the 2 years expires, that when the taxes are raised, they are raised in a responsible manner, to meet the needs of all citizens and businesses, of the United States, of America, for no less than 5 years except for those in such a high-income bracket, that are using loopholes, to save themselves money. We need to close those loopholes, and make those citizens pay their taxes, for what they equally owe. We want to see everything open, and of course, with care. We want all voting to be done at the polling locations, the way it was intended to be, not by mail
And, We the People demand NO freedoms be taken away, as a repayment for the help that our government to provide us with, in troubling times.

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The We The People petition to The Government was written by Valerie Polak and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.