Members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education
United States of America

Massachusetts Recess Bill H.235 by Marjorie Decker would make recess mandatory for all children across the state of Massachusetts and will allow districts to count time spent at recess towards state required structured learning time. If this bill passes, it will not only protect recess for all kids in the state but it will pave the way for districts to greatly expand the amount of time spent at recess.

Strong and compelling research shows time and again that the more recess children have, the more they succeed academically. If you are unfamiliar with this research, please refer to the links below.

The Crucial Role of Recess in School: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/131/1/183

Recess: It’s important. Does your child get enough of it? https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/recess-its-important-does-your-child-get-enough-of-it/2015/11/09/ab610866-8180-11e5-9afb-0c971f713d0c_story.html?utm_term=.d022ec6c3f38

Child’s Play Is Good for All of Us: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/03/well/move/childs-play-is-good-for-all-of-us.html

Why some schools are sending kids out for recess four times a day: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/03/well/move/childs-play-is-good-for-all-of-us.html

Brookline should take the lead on maximum recess: http://brookline.wickedlocal.com/news/20171110/commentary-brookline-should-take-lead-on-maximum-recess

Dear Members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education

We write to express our strong support for H.235 Recess Bill. Here in Massachusetts, recess continues to be cut by the school districts in order to make room for more time in the classroom. It is critical that the Recess Bill becomes a state law; discretionary policies at the district- or school-level fail to ensure that our children will get enough recess. Districts across the state have repeatedly insisted that there is no way to increase recess time due to the 900 minimum-structured learning hours requirement, which does not currently count recess as part of children’s learning time.

Recess is as important for children’s learning and development as is time spent in the classroom and the Recess Bill would count recess as part of children’s learning time. Strong and compelling research shows time and again that the more recess children have, the more they succeed academically. If you are unfamiliar with this research, please refer to the links below.

We strongly urge you to do the right thing for our children in Massachusetts and support H.235 Recess Bill.

Thank you.

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The We Support Massachusetts Recess Bill H 235 petition to Members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education was written by Maggie Shirland and is in the category Education at GoPetition.