#Arts & Entertainment
Dc Comics, Warner Bros

Kasia Zychowicz > Gal Gadot

Każdy wie, że Kasia jest superbohaterem i ma wszystkie moce. Domagamy się, żeby najbardziej ikoniczną kobiecą postać w komiksach grała Kasia.

Everybody knows, that Kasia is a superhero and she has every power there is. We demand her to play the most iconic super heroin in the history.

We - true comic books fans demand Kasia Zychowicz to play Superwoman in an ongoing DC cinematic universe.

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The We demand Kasia Zychowicz instead of Gal Gadot to play Wonderwoman petition to Dc Comics, Warner Bros was written by Bartosz Borkowski and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

warner DC wonderwoman