Gaijin Entertainment

War Thunder is a war game with planes and tanks, mostly about WWII and a bit postwar.

It's a free to play play game with microtransactions to make profit like the most free to play games.

There are decals to decorate your vehicle, some are unlockable, some are "premium". The new/current world flags are "premium" while the roundels/emblems are unlockable.

However after the last update 1.59 they introduced the Philipine air force roundel, the Iraqi air force roundel, the Colombian air force roundel, the Colombian naval aviation roundel, the Argentine air force roundel, the Argentine naval air force roundel, the Hellenic army emblem, the royal Danish air force roundel, the Irish air corps roundel and the Slovak national insignia available only through microtransactions while the rest of the countries' roundels/emblems are unlockable.

We, the undersigned, call on Gaijin Entertainment to make those decals unlockable, like all the other countries.

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The War Thunder premium roundels for SOME countries petition to Gaijin Entertainment was written by Rania and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

countries war thunder