European Union

In fact, Vaira has a lot of examples of incompetent activities as a diplomat. When she was a president of Latvia Republic, she has enough courage to insult Russians which live in Latvia by saying "Take a luggage and go back to Russia".

She also officially support Waffen SS Latvian legion, her quote "they are liberators, heroes of Latvia" is just disgraceful. She has an example of government protocol violation, she allowed herself to make an announcement in English in official receptions of foreign diplomats in Latvia.

Her policy brought Latvia to the lowest position in EU Rank.

We, the undersigned, do not support Vaira Vike Freiberga (ex Latvian President) as a candidate for the EU President position.

The Vote against Vaira Vike Freiberga as EU president petition to European Union was written by Alex Olisov and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.