#Arts & Entertainment
ACT Government and Hit104.7

Coming from Melbourne, this makes no sense to have Skyfire on a NORMAL WEEKEND.

Skyfire started in 1989 as a fireworks spectacular that is celebrated by all Canberrans, usually in early March of every year. The significance and meaning behind it is to go into autumn with a "bang" and to celebrate via music. It is not a public holiday, nir is it on a long weekend.

Canberra Day, celebrated the second monday of March, signifies the birth of the Nation's Capital as Canberra, and tbe birth place of Canberras existence in 1913. It is a public holiday, a long weekend, week before Skyfire.

However, the lack of festivals, or even fireworks, on Canberra day has made many Canberrans ghink twice about creating a bigger and better vibe in our city, with fireworks on the day of Canberra Day.

Skyfire SHOULD be on Canberra Day.

It is literally held a week after the public holiday, and Skyfire seems to be hyped up more than the birth of nation's capital.

The issue is funding and involvement.

Skyfire is run by a private organisation in that a local radio station (Hit 104.7) run the show, while Canberra day is run via the local government (ACT Government) in conjunction with the Federal Government (due to NCA).

To me, Canberra Day is more important, and has more importance, than Skyfire.

If both parties agree, they should both combine their efforts to have a fireworks spectacular on our PUbLIC HOLIDAY, which celebrates who we are as a city, and the significance of the city to the nation.

This would significantly boost the local economy, as locals typically LEAVE the city due to a lack of events on Canberra Day, to the coast or elsewhere.

Having skyfire on a regular weekend should be evaluated economically.

It does not sense having a fireworks display, a week after a major local public holiday.

In conjunction with the Governments involved and Hit 104.7, to combine Skyfire and Canberra Day together to celebrate this great city of ours on ONE day, with fireworks, to boost our economy and recognition of Canberra as the greatest city in Australia.

The nation's capital.

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The Unite The Capital: Move Skyfire to Canberra Day petition to ACT Government and Hit104.7 was written by Stanislav Idowu and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

ACT Government hit1047