#Local Government
Maulden Parish Council
United Kingdom

I think that there is a general apathy in Maulden towards their Parish Council.

I believe it is largely due to the lack of real progress or change that the Parish Council have achieved over the years. Many have served for over 30 years. Many have connections with the village that go back many years..

Recent examples of inaction until pressure was applied by local residents include the new Play Equipment in the Rec, the Safety Lights and now the investigation into a Zebra crossing or other road crossing or speed reduction measures in the village. There is no serving councillor who has a child at Maulden Lower School

Also the Parish Council refuse to post their minutes either on line, or on the Parish Council Notice Board. When asked I was told Maulden residents do not care, and that they are only an official record 6 weeks after the last meeting. They maintain they are available to look at by appointment, and a copy can be obtained for a charge.

Having reviewed some minutes going back to 4 years ago, it is clear that there are many instances where decisions are made on our behalf without consultation, or notice- e.g. on the Parish Council notice board. Councillor Jenny Tucker writes a usually informative neutral monthly piece in the Parish Magazine- but this is by subscription only, and not everyone has copy. See attached the views of a more progressive Parish Council- in Godmanchester. Councillor Chris Tate has been very supportive in getting the lights and other safety measures for the village. Councillor Garner (now stood down) also could be seen in action.

I am sure if we could see that a real difference was being made, more people would want to be involved and may even stand to be Parish Councillors. Things happen far too slowly when residents today often live somewhere no longer than 5-10 years. As it stands no District or Parish Councillor has had a vote cast for them since May 2003 due to a lack of other candidates.

Today 4 out of the 12 councillors have been co-opted by fellow councillors- three have never been elected by the public- however one of these Councillors was elected in 2003. I have put myself forward for co-option twice and not been successful. I too am guilty in that I did get the papers to stand for election in May 2007 but decided against standing.

We believe villagers would be more involved in Maulden if:

1) Minutes were displayed at least on the village notice board, if not elsewhere in the village. They could quite easily be posted on line.

2) There was a Parish newsletter delivered to every home perhaps once a quarter.

3) A meeting was held at least once a year not on a weekday evening, when residents could hear what the Parish Council has done, and will be doing, and to ask questions of their Parish Councillors, District Councillor and County Councillor. At Parish Council meetings held every 6 weeks, on a Monday at 7.30pm, only 15 minutes are usually allowed for Public questions.

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The To create a better Maulden petition to Maulden Parish Council was written by maulden2012 and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.