ProHealth Care Board Members
United States of America

Please be notified, that we have received a certified letter from ProHealth Care, in which they intend to deprive us, Dr. Sanjay Singh and Dr. Harinder Gill, of our ability to see patients at ProHealth Care hospitals, including both Waukesha and Oconomowoc Memorial Hospitals, within the near future.

We have decided to continue our practice of cardiology despite this restriction, so you will continue to be able to see us at our three office locations in Waukesha, Pewaukee, and Eagle, as applicable. We are, however, considerably perturbed by this contemplated decision which threatens to take away your choice of physician. Disrupting the relationship that you have had with your cardiologist for a substantial period of time is an injustice to you and all of our patients.

In addition to the disruption of care, you will likely be subject to increased cost of healthcare as the cost of services performed at ProHealth Care facilities, like the cardiac cath lab and surgery center, are considerably higher than that provided by Waukesha Heart Institute.

We are uniquely grateful to this community for having supported us for a combined 60+ years in the service of cardiology, and we cannot state in mere words, our appreciation for the support you have provided us over the last many decades in the provision of cardiology services, as we have striven to provide the best of cardiology care in this community.

We suspect, that this action by ProHealth Care, Inc is brought about by pure greed, and an effort to basically take over the practice of cardiology in Waukesha County. We are dumbfounded that our own hospital would act in such a malicious fashion and we seek your support in reaching out to the hospital board and to the community at large to try to convince them of the folly of their proposed action.

Words that end, we request you, if you feel comfortable, to sign this petition. Please include your full name and address, so we can forward this to the ProHealth Care Board and Waukesha County Board.

We, the undersigned, plead for ProHealth Care to continue to allow Dr. Sanjay Singh and Dr. Harinder Gill to practice cardiology in their hospitals.

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The Protect Your Health Care Rights! Stop the threat of ProHealth Care revoking the hospital privileges of Waukesha Heart Institute physicians, Dr. Sanjay Singh and Dr. Harinder Gill petition to ProHealth Care Board Members was written by Patricia Courtney and is in the category Business at GoPetition.