Prime Minister David Cameron
United Kingdom

we were horrified to discover that Amazon were selling a book called 'The Paedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct.'

After campaigning on Twitter with other websites, bloggers and tweeters the book was removed from the store.

However, we need to stop this EVER happening again.

We need to make children safe!

The PAPER campaign aims to make the selling of paedophile literature illegal.

Please join us now in asking UK Government to pass a law making this kind of literature illegal to buy or download.

Sign our petition to show your support.

We, the undersigned, call on the Prime Minister David Cameron to pass a law making the selling or free downloading of Paedophile literature illegal in the UK.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The The PAPER Campaign petition to Prime Minister David Cameron was written by Childcare is Fun and is in the category Government at GoPetition.