- Target:
- Thersa May
- Region:
- United Kingdom
ISIS and ISIS supporters are a dangerous and tangible threat to the safety and freedom of the British people. Their continuous murdering and disrespect of human life is directed against men women and children who are hors de combat and non-combatants. I respect all humanitarians who hold faiths of any religion including Muslims.
I respect the right of every colour or creed to be entitled to humanitarian treatment as defined in Article 3 (The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols) To live amongst others of different political and cultural beliefs without fear of discrimination. I respect the rights of individuals to fight and disagree politically, culturally, religiously, and on policy decisiveness’.
I do not respect the same rights to be applied to individuals who commit genocide and misery and seek to destabilise what is already a temperamental balance of humanitarism in the world that as yet is far from reaching its Zenith. Since declaring its caliphate in June 2014, the self-proclaimed Islamic State has conducted or inspired more than 125 terrorist attacks in 27 countries other than Iraq and Syria, where its carnage has taken a much deadlier toll. Those attacks have killed at least 1,767 people and injured thousands more (http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/17/world/mapping-isis-attacks-around-the-world)
A declaration that recognises ISIS as a state will then allow British military to have a legal mandate to scour Britain for enemies of our state and sympathisers and to imprison them as POW’s. For the military to protect our borders on land sea and air with the use of lethal force where ISIS and ISIS supporters are seeking to endanger civilians and hors de combat.
Without a declaration of war by the British Government it is akin to allowing Hitler’s troops to roam freely on British soil during WW2. The xenophobic movement of ISIS is a far greater threat to humanity than previous invaders have been and those invaders at the very least had the integrity to declare their allegiances and define their theatres. Aside with other free nations we are being attacked from within our own boundaries and by the misuse of our democratic and civil rights that millions of previous people in past generations suffered and died to protect.
We the undersigned call on the British government to ask parliament to acknowledge the ‘State’ of ISIS and not merely recognise ISIS as a Caliphate. We call on the British government to declare an official state of war against ISIS. To then abide by the Geneva Conventions and intentions in which the Geneva conventions were instigated and that is namely the ‘clause’ that states “treaties on the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war (POWs) and soldiers who are otherwise rendered hors de combat, or incapable of fighting. To state that Britain is now at war with ISIS who are infiltrating our Sovereign soil as soldiers of ISIS and committing war crimes contrary to Convention (IV) (relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949).
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The The British Government must declare war aginst ISIS petition to Thersa May was written by Daniel Vose and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.