The Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Sign this petition if you agree that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation should do a better job reporting the risks of radio frequency exposure including smart meters, Wi-Fi and the 3g/4g network (which boasts better indoor coverage i.e. more exposure).

At the moment reporting usually consists of trotting out the line that there is no clear evidence of a link between mobile phones and cancer. This is a completely misleading statement when there are many properly constructed studies that do show significant health effects from radio frequency exposure.

For instance the Bioinitiative Report states that there is a consistent pattern of increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma associated with use of mobile phones and cordless phones.

Also, the wide range of serious health effects from passive exposure such as due to living near mobile phone towers is an issue that is rarely covered in the media. For more information on the health effects of radio frequency exposure please see the Bioinitiative Report.

Please feel free to sign this petition even if you are not from Australia, we appreciate your support.

Thank you.

Sign this petition if you agree that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation should do a better job reporting the risks of radio frequency exposure including smart meters, Wi-Fi and the 3g/4g network (which boasts better indoor coverage i.e. more exposure).

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The The Australian Broadcasting Corporation should report the risks of radio frequency exposure petition to The Australian Broadcasting Corporation. was written by Dana Bill and is in the category Health at GoPetition.