#Media Issues
Hungarian Media Authority

We, all the undersigned agree on and support Hungary’s Government’s new Media Law

As responsible European citizens and Hungarian Civil women, we proclaim that we are committed to all European moral values and we commit to respect the legal laws of the community.
Accordingly, we welcome the new provisions that have been made with the new media law of the Hungarian Government focusing on child and family protection.

With this Declaration we support the following:
• Media should inform authentically the society
• Media should serve the physical, spiritual and mental development of people
• Media, as it is a mediator of values, should present justice, goodness and beauty
• Media should protect public morality, moreover educate and encourage everyone to it
• Media should not present sin as a virtue, should not encourage to sin, and to commit criminal acts
• Media should not popularize any forms of violence and pornography
• Advisements should not use children for commercial purposes.

The mission of the Hungarian Women’s Alliance is the confession of our female vocation at the same time: ”As it is the woman, like is the family, as it is the family, like is the society.”
The most genuine vocation of a woman is giving life and raising children and this can be fulfilled only in the family. The woman being in charge of the hearth of the family, takes an integral part in the formation of our society.
Accordingly, the media is called to present female dignity in a respectful way and to strengthen the values of marriage, family and motherhood.

We object the immoral tendencies we receive though the media. It is unacceptable to express a positive opinion on the marital infidelity, on divorces, on free sexual life and pornography, furthermore on the ignorance of children’s rights.
Media Authority is called to account for and - in case of necessity - to apply sanctions againts contraventions.

It is unacceptable that media presents women in a distorted way being items of necessity for men, instead of giving a realistic view about them. Women are active citizens of the society in the family, on the labour market and in public life.

We consider this to be such a grave matter that we are calling for an immediate determined action!

Zsuzsanna Gerber
President of the Hungarian Women’s Alliance

February 12, 2011, Budapest
In the Year of the Family, in the International Week of Marriage

If you agree with our petition and would like to join as an organisation, please send your name and name of your organization to asszonyszovetseg@gmail.com.

Organizations in Hungary joining the petition:

Asszonyok a Nemzeti Egységért Mozgalom
Boldog Családi Életért Egyesület
CEF Szabolcs-Szatmár megye
Család-Vár Alapítvány
Debreceni Nyugdíjas Polgári Egyesület
KALOT Katolikus Népfőiskolai Mozgalom
Keresztény Női Felnőttképzési Egyesület.
Keresztszülők a Csángómagyarokért Egyesület
Kiút Veled Egyesület
Millenniumi Polgári Casino Egyesület
Nők a Nemzet Jövőjéért Egyesület
Összefogás a Magyar Családokért Országos Egyesület
Szilágyi Erzsébet Nőegylet
Trianon Társaság Nyíregyházi Városi Szervezete
Újpesti Kolping Család Egyesület
Civil Egyeztető Fórum
Eurocsalád Munkacsoport
Saxlehner András Közhasznú Egyesület
Tárogatós Archívum
Mi Nők Országos Szervezet
Lifelong Learning Magyarország Alapítvány
VITEA Alapítvány
Studium Patronus Iskolaszer Alapítvány
Podmaniczky Júlia Egyesület

Organizations abroad joining the petition:

New Women For Europe, Brussels - Belgium
Profesionales por la Ética - Spain
Femina Europa, Paris - France
Mujer para la Mujer, A.C, Zapopan, Jalisco - Mexico
Woman, Family and Work Fundation - Spain
World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations - France
Slovak Society of the family and responsible parenthood, Bratislava - Slovakia
Dévai Szent Ferenc Alapítvány - Romania
Felvidéki Kultúráért és Turizmusért Társulás - Slovakia
Kéméndi Kulturális ésTurisztikai Polgári Társulás - Slovakia
Kézdivásárhelyi Nők Egyesülete - Romania
Magyar Katolikus Nőegylet Baranya - Croatia
Magyar Nemzetiségi Művelődési Intézet Lendva - Slovenia
Szent Anna Nőszövetség Székelyudvarhely - Romania
Vajdasági Magyar Pedagógusok Egyesületének Újvidék - Serbia
Szövetség a Közös Célokért, Rozsnyó - Slovakia
Felvidéki Rockszínház - Slovakia
Pusztinai Szent István Egyesület, Pusztina - Romania
LIMES - ANAVUM Reg. Honism. Társulás, Párkány - Slovakia
SZÜLŐFÖLDÉRT Polgári Társulás, Nána - Slovakia

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The Support Women and Family Protection in the Media petition to Hungarian Media Authority was written by Zsuzsa Gerber and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.