#Law Reform
United Kingdom

We support the UK governments proposals to reduce the legal aid budget. The recent Millie Dowler case where the defence team took £4M from the public purse is an indication of how much there is to be saved.

Lawyers rates must be severely capped in all such cases i.e to 2x the minimum wage!!

Rt Hon. Kenneth Clarke QC, MP
Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
London, SW1H 9AJ

Dear Lord Chancellor,

I understand that you are proposing cuts to Legal Aid budget, and whole-heartedly support your efforts to stop the scandalous waste of the UK tax-payers money by over-paid and unscrupulous lawyers.

You must put the UK tax-payer first in all of your actions and stop rich lawyers from ripping us off! The recent - apparent £4M - cost of representing the serial killer Levi Bellfield indicates the excessive amounts currently being claimed.

Lawyers working on legal aid should have their hourly rates capped to a small multiple (x2) of the minimum wage! This will reveal their true commitment to 'justice'!

Yours faithfully,

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The Support UK Government's Proposed Cuts To Legal Aid petition to DAVID CAMERON / KENNETH CLARKE was written by John Mills and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.